My Resume
This section is included, should you be interested in my capabilities for whatever reason (I’m always open for fun projects, freelance work or similar offers).
The CV is also available as a PDF document here
Education, Certifications, Trainings | Work Experience | Skills | Projects | Apps | Languages | Programming and Scripting Languages | Operating Systems | Tools I use |
Education, Certifications, Trainings

Advent of Cyber 2023 from TryHackMe (Show Certificate)

Agile Work Techniques at Career Center (View certificate)

An introduction to business for engineers at Career Center (View certificate)

Blockchain - A Technology with Various Applications at Career Center (View certificate)
FirstSpirit® Advanced Training at adesso SE AG (View certificate)
Work Experience

Vacation work at Mercedes Benz Factory (Daimler) Bremen.

Worked at the print shop Defus ha Hoshen Roberto
Some skills I have (besides flirting and dark humor):
- IT Consulting (6+ years experience)
- Pentesting (3 years experience)
- Scrum Master/Project Management (2 years experience)
- Regex (regular expressions)
- Googling (apparantly a skill)
- Teaching and tutoring
- Team playing, providing help
- (Abstract-) Problem solving
- Finding help when needed and getting projects done
A couple projects I worked on:
- Project Deep Anatomy (in collab with Fraunhofer Mevis ) (Master’s project, Python, TensorFlow).
- B-Human (in collab with DFKI ) Framework (Bachelor’s thesis, C++). See my publication for more infos.
- Projekt SEE (Bachelor’s project).
- Hotel management system (Freelance, JavaEE with an H2 Database using Wildfly as the application server): A hotel management software which keeps track of what guests are located in what rooms, where their luggage is, when they are leaving (and where they are leaving to) and a couple other features. Closed source for my client’s privacy.
- Student grading system (Freelance, JavaFX with Sqlite): A simple app which keeps track of students and their grades. Closed source for my client’s privacy.
- Galaxytrucker - a clone of the game FTL: Faster Than Light (University Project, using LibGDX as the game engine, a client/server architecture with an H2 Database and manual network communication using the Java Sockets API). Source code: Gitlab
- SFB Farbige Zustaende (University Project, JavaEE with an H2 Database using Wildfly as the application server): A system for managing staff, experiment results and sample data. Source code: Gitlab
* Of course there are also the projects from work. These however cannot be mentioned for obvious reasons. Technologies used there: Java, JavaEE, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, MySQL, FirstSpirit®.
I’ve published a couple apps on the Google Play Store. Check them out below (the code is mostly terrible, then again it was one of the first things I did):
- Open Source Easy File Transfer (Java, Socket API, desktop version using JavaFX).
- Sharky the Angry Sharkfish (C# and Unity for Android)
- Open-Source Password Generator (Java with the processing library). Source code: Github
- Semester Planer Schedule Generator (Java with Android SDK).
I speak the following languages:
- German (Mother Tongue)
- Arabic (Mother Tongue)
- Hebrew (Fluent)
- English (Fluent)
I’m learning the following languages for fun:
- Spanish
- French
- Turkish
Programming and Scripting Languages
Some of the programming languages I regularly use:
- Java (SE and EE)
- My main language (at work)
- Especially for Enterprise (JavaEE, Spring Boot, FirstSpirit®)
- Python (ML, Flask)
- Mainly in my academic fields
- For free-time projects
- C# (with Unity)
- C, C++
- In academic fields
- for pentesting
- for Arduino
- Haskell (academically)
- PHP (with JobRouter®)
- JavaScript
- SQL. I’ve worked with the following databases:
- MySQL, MariaDB
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
- FirstSpirit® XML (Custom scripting syntax)
- Bash
- Powershell
- Batch
- DuckyScript
- Markdown (as you see)
- LaTeX
- RISC-V Assembly (academically)
- Solidity (check out my proof-of-concept crypto currency “Salvation” )
Im also learning the following languages:
- Dart
- Kotlin
Operating Systems
I regularly use the following operating systems:
- Windows - on my main machine
- MacOS-X - in my professional life
- Linux (both professionally and on my own machines)
- Ubuntu 18/20.04
- Kali
- Debian
- Mint
- Arch
- Raspbian Buster (both Headless and with GUI)
- HiveOS
- Unifi OS by Ubiquiti
Tools I use
Pieces of software I use in my professional and daily life.
Tools I use at work:
- Jetbrains IDEs
- FirstSpirit®
- Docker
- Git (commandline)
- Maven
- Gradle
- Termius
- Postman
- Terminal
- Sublime Text
- Microsoft Teams, Outlook
- Obsidian (Notebook)
- GnuPG
- Tmux
- Nano
- Vim
In my daily life
Tools I generally use (in addition to the abovementioned ones):
- Anaconda
- Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Photoshop
- After Effects
- Premiere Pro
- Lightroom
- Illustrator
- Hitfilm Express
- Autodesk Pixlr
- Autodesk AutoCAD
- Blender
- Unity Engine
- Unreal Engine
- VirtualBox
- Pentesting frameworks
- Metasploit
- Hashcat
- John the Ripper
- Dirbuster
- Netcat
- OpenSSH
- Metamask
- Windows Terminal (with Powershell 7 and WSL)
- MS Office Tools